Global framework agreements are negotiated at global level between trade unions and a multinational. They apply the highest standards of trade union rights, health, safety and environmental practices, as well as quality of work principles in a company`s global companies, whether or not these standards exist in a single country. IndustriALL Global Union has renewed and strengthened its Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with Siemens Gamesa, the world leader in wind turbines. Over a two-year period, IndustriALL subsidiaries in Turkey and Bangladesh have successfully organized more than 50 subcontracting plants as part of a programme to effectively implement global framework agreements. As part of the ongoing implementation of the Global Framework Agreement (GFA), IndustriALL Global Union and H&M have come together to establish a National Monitoring Committee (NMC) in India. IndustriALL has also concluded comprehensive agreements with multinationals that cover specific key issues in the companies of these companies. These include our comprehensive health and safety agreement with ArcelorMittal and our global sexual harassment agreement with Unilever. IndustriALL has existing CSAs with the following multinationals. Click on each company to view more information and contract text. More than a hundred H&M suppliers, who employ hundreds and thousands of workers, participated in joint workshops organized by IndustriALL and Swedish clothing company H&M to discuss the Global Framework Agreement (GFA) and its implementation.

With the German automaker refusing to give its employees in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, the same rights as in the rest of the world, IndustriALL Global Union today suspends its long-standing global agreement with Volkswagen. The agreement, a “revolutionary” agreement for fashion and global labour relations, was renewed on November 13 in Geneva, according to a report by the Spanish CC.OO. Trade union. “The second renewal of the Global Framework Agreement confirms that two decades of work have yielded results and that much remains to be done,” said CC.OO. and added that the union has “worked intensively” with Inditex in recent years to “ensure decent working conditions in a globalised world”. On 27 January, IndustriALL and Michelin signed an agreement establishing the Michelin Global Works Council. The new board, which represents the group`s workers, will rely heavily on the work, methods and positive results of Michelin`s European Works Council (MEWC). The Comprehensive Framework Agreement (GFA) between IndustriALL and German retailer Tchibo was signed in September 2016 and the parties continue to work towards effective implementation. IndustriALL Global Union renewed its Comprehensive Framework Agreement (GFA) with Italian energy company ENI at a meeting on 21 June in Athens, Greece. More than 80 trade union leaders from Turkey, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Mauritius and Morocco gathered in Cesme, Turkey, to see how Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) can be better used to promote trade union organisation, collective agreements and social dialogue. Unions around the world from the world`s largest steel company, ArcelorMittal, decided, at a meeting in Rio de Janeiro, to deepen their global relationship with the company in order to address ongoing challenges. .

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